If I were elected President of the United States of America, I pledge to not make promises that Congress can’t keep.

This really goes back to the entire premise of not making promises in the first place.  Promises are too often broken.  If I pledge to do something, and then become unable to do it, at least I’ve not broken a promise.  The President can influence Congress but in the end it’s the members of Congress who propose the bills on behalf of the American public.  I may pledge to lobby Congress, but will not make promises to do things the President has no direct control over.  Breaking promises betrays a trust and defaces a person’s integrity.

Too many times in recent years we’ve seen Presidential candidates debate on their promises.  In most all cases the promises are things the public would like to see fixed and they see that candidate as the one to fix it.  Unfortunately the public is not voting for a “king” who can make these changes at the stroke of a pen without Congress.  The President must rely on Congress to pass any laws to uphold the promises he or she makes.  When C0ngress doesn’t take up the issues which the candidate promised, it makes that President lose integrity.

I’d rather not lose that integrity.  As a President I would remind the public that Congress is the lawmaking body and the President is the last signatory on any proposed law.  If they wish for change, they must lobby their representatives in Congress, and I will do the same.  I will, in as much as it’s within my power to do so and I have the time, I will sit with the Senate and the House of Representatives at least once a month to observe and critique the legislative process on behalf of the people.   Have you taken the time to see what happens on Capital Hill?

Too often I’ve watched Congressional proceedings and been bored to tears as one after another representatives come to the microphone and say the same thing, again and again and again.  Often these speakers are talking to an empty gallery; what purpose is there in that?  Well, their comments end up being entered into the “official record” of Congress.  All that really does is give their constituents a “warm fuzzy” back home that their representative spoke out on their behalf.  But did it honestly serve any purpose in -progressing- the legislation to cloture?

Take some time yourself and watch:

Or did it really represent what the people back home wanted?  Too often it seems the redundant speakers are all toting the “party line” handed down by the President, no matter how accurately or inaccurately the information may be represented.  If  lie is repeated enough times, people begin to believe it, no matter how false, inaccurate, or blatant it is.  That’s the kind of thing the present administration is using to pull the wool over the eyes of the public.  As President I would encourage people to watch what their representative are doing on the floor of Capital Hill; I would ask the public to seek out the truth on their own, do a modicum of research, don’t believe everything they are told but instead find out on their own what is being represented accurately.

If I were to see any actions that I felt were stonewalling the law making progress, I pledge to bring it to the peoples attention.  I also pledge to show both sides of the issue and encourage constituents to contact their law makers to make their voices heard.  Yes, I will of course be more encouraging of one side, that’s the nature of discussion; however, I pledge to do my best to highlight the arguments on both sides in order to further the process along and help the public understand their legislators need more input in order to reach consensus.

Congress is supposed to be driven by the public; it is there to help the public, not hinder it.  Congress makes the laws, not the President.  The public needs to understand the President is there as a public lobbyist and final signer of any proposed law.  The President therefore should never make a promise they can’t keep.

Save the taxpayers money, reduce the deficit.
Asa Jay for President


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