Last night, was my first time back in school for almost three years.  This time, instead of taking simple courses related to my current project or job, I am starting my path toward an actual four-year degree.  I’m starting out, with a basic course in Research and Writing.

This is a good way for me to get back into school.  As the course of study I have chosen will require a lot of writing, this class is going to be a good primer for me.  The focus will be on writing a total of four assigned papers.  The progression of the class will concentrate on the process of turning an idea, into a polished paper; progressing through first draft, revision, second draft/revision/repeat, to final draft.  Our instructor, giving us some insight into what usually happens without discipline, told us that most people will write a first draft, and then move right on to a final draft, without considering much in the way of revision.  We will be focusing on that most difficult step, revision.

I can certainly see the value in revising written works until the ideas of a paper are clearly presented in a concise and easy to read manner.  I know that many times I myself have struggled with this concept.  I’m sure some of my entries here on my blog have been a mish-mash of random thoughts and ramblings.  Of course, that’s more what this medium is really for, though I many times read later, what I have written, and end up making corrections.  For the next six weeks however, I will need to concentrate more on polishing my prose than just letting the words leak out of my head.

Our first paper is to be about ourself.  We are to write something autobiographical.  Being in my forties, I have a vast amount of experiences to draw upon, but we’re not supposed to write a book.  What I will have to do is narrow my focus into one area, about myself, that I think could provide a quick insight to who I am.  I’ve not considered it much as yet, but I’ll certainly have to start thinking hard about this over the weekend.  Only meeting once a week for class seems like a long time, but from my present perspective, it’s only about five more days away.  I have to get started.

What ever shall I write about, that tells people who I am?

Asa Jay

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